Audiovisual Production

拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港的视听制作课程为学生做准备 for careers in the ever-evolving media industry. The Audiovisual Production Program 融合音乐制作,声音设计和视频技术,创造引人注目的多媒体 内容为所有形式的视觉媒体,包括网络,视频,电影,动画,移动 technology, and games. Whether you’re a musician looking to make better videos for 网页,游戏设计师寻找更好的声音,或者你的目标是制作功能 拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港的视听制作计划将提供 you with the skills needed to succeed.

小班授课和专门的教师,学生沉浸在课程 that models the workflow of professional media production. The Audiovisual Production 程序提供实践培训利用行业标准的技术,而重点 关于专业的最佳实践,以建立一个音乐制作和声音设计组合 这表明他有广泛的创意技能,包括视频编辑、音乐 composition, and sound design.

Program Outcomes

  • 具备基本的原创音乐和音频创作能力 visual narrative.
  • Demonstrate basic proficiency in short-form video production & editing, media delivery formats, and audiovisual workflow.
  • 识别和观察视听领域的最佳专业做法,包括 the various roles in film, audio engineering, and media.
  • 制作一个最终的投资组合和简历适合入门级就业的视听 field.

Critical Thinking Skills
Communication Skills
Teamwork Skills
Social Responsibility Skills
Personal Responsibility Skills
Proficiency with single and multi-camera systems
Experience as a member of a film crew.
Film editing using a Non-Linear Editing System.
Lighting and set designing
Ability to play piano and understand music technology
Operate professional recording studio equipment.

Career Information

拥有视听制作学位的学生的潜在就业机会 包括录音室录音,电影和电视的声音设计,声音设计和视频 editing for web content. Music programming, music production, radio/broadcast board 操作、多媒体制作、视听设备安装/维修/保养 以及游戏和移动应用的声音设计/视频编辑. Potential employers 包括媒体制作公司、娱乐场所、录音棚、社区 团体、剧院、广告公司、出版公司、游戏开发/设计 companies, museums, schools, and more.

Job and Wages


Recommended Program of Study: Associate of Applied Science
Course Title SCH
First Semester
COMM 1336 Video Production I 3
MUSC 1325 Acoustics 3
MUSI 1327 Audio Engineering I 3
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I 1
MUSC 1303 Fundamentals of Music 3
Second Semester
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
MUSC 1331 MIDI 3
MUSC 2327 Audio Engineering II 3
MUSI 1182 Piano Class II 1
MUSI 1310 American Music 3
RTVB 2330 Film and Video Editing 3
Summer Semester
  Social/Behavior Science Course 3
Third Semester
FLMC 2335 Screenwriting for Features, Shorts and Documentaries 3
MUSC 1196 Special Topics in Recording Arts Technology/Technician 1
MATH 1314 or MATH 1332 College Algebra or Quantitative Reasoning 3
MUSC 2347 Audio Engineering III 3
MUSC 2351 Audio for Video 3
SPCH 1315 or SPCH 1321 Public Speaking or Business & Professional Communication 3
Fourth Semester
FILM 2330 Audio Post Production 3
MUSB 1305 Survey of the Music Business 3
MUSC 2330 Commercial Music Arranging and Composition 3
RTVB 2340 Portfolio Development 3
Total   60

Recommended Program of Study: Certificate
course title sch
First Semester
MUSC 1325 Acoustics 3
MUSC 1327 Audio Engineering I 3
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I 1
MUSI 1303 Fundamentals of Music 3
MUSI 1310 American Music 3
Second Semester
MUSB 1305 Survey of Music Business 3
MUSC 1211 Commercial Music Sight Singing & Ear Training I 2
MUSC 1213 Commercial Music Theory I 2
MUSC 1331 MIDI I 3
MUSC 2327 Audio Engineering II 3
MUSI 1182 Piano Class II 1
Total   27


根据美国劳工部劳工统计局的数据,这些 在音像制作领域工作可以获得平均时薪 of $36.10 per hour and earn a mean annual salary of $75,090. According to the United 美国劳工部劳动统计局,视听制作领域 is predicted to undergo 4.3% growth from 2012 – 2022. 

Does Lamar State College Port Arthur have recording studios?

有三个专业录音室可供所有学生使用 enrolled in the Commercial Music Program. In addition to the recording studios, Lamar 亚瑟港州立学院有基于Mac的音乐制作/编程和视频 editing lab and a PC based music composition lab. 


您将学习使用行业标准的音频和视频录制,编辑和混音 equipment. 学生们使用最新的数字音频工作站,比如Reason, 逻辑和Pro Tools/Pro Tools HD以及行业标准的非线性视频编辑 software like Adobe Premier and Avid Media Composer.  

How much studio time will I have access to?

学生可以预定最多9小时的工作室时间和9小时的实验时间 per week and can book studio time up to two weeks in advance.

How long will it take to complete the degree?

通常需要两年时间才能完成视听艺术与科学副学士学位 Production.

What types of courses are in the degree plan?

该学位要求学习基础钢琴、音乐编曲、声音合成、声音 设计、音频后期制作、视频剪辑、视频制作、电子音乐作曲、 音乐节目,音乐业务,录音室录音和音频混音和母带.

Do you have job placement assistance?

Lamar State College-Port Arthur does provide job assistance.  The college has a job 所有学生在学校期间都可以访问的董事会.  Upon graduation, 你可以向职业介绍所提供一份最新的简历,他们会寄给你 it out to prospective employers. The faculty in the Commercial Music Department will 和你一起工作,让你知道符合你技能的职位.

Do you offer internships for this degree?

所有视听制作专业的学生都有实习机会.  Typically 在你在校的最后两个学期,你将在当地一家唱片公司实习 studio, broadcast studio or for a production company.  This internship experience can be placed on your resume as professional experience. Many internships have led 到社交机会,兼职工作和全职工作.

学士不得申请超过60-66个学分 degree at Lamar University.


学生可以攻读传播学学士学位,重点是广播,电影, or Film Studies.

学生也可以攻读电影、摄影、声音设计的学士学位 for Visual Media, or Audio/Radio Production.

Matt Roe

Caleb Fontenot

Carl Richardson

Audio Engineering Society Student Chapter (AES)

Electronic Music Foundation Student Chapter (EMF)

Cinema Audio Society (CAS)

Student Testimonials

以下是来自视听制作专业和声音专业学生的推荐信 Engineering Program.

“我在拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港的经历非常棒. The teachers are fun to be around and are very helpful. I like that Lamar State College Port Arthur 学校规模小是因为它能提供非常个性化的大学经历吗.”

Nathan Ingalls Spring 2015

“在这里,在拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港,所有的课程都是针对专业的,内容丰富, applicable, and standardized to prepare one for the real world. The quality of faculty 是优秀的,提供的氛围是一个学生可以蓬勃发展 and do not feel stifled by the overwhelming pressure of school.”

Joshua Birdsong Spring 2015

“商业音乐系的老师都很专业 在他们所教授的领域有丰富的经验. My time at Lamar 州立大学为我在音乐行业的未来做了准备,我可以申请 所有我掌握的技能和我学到的知识.”

Brandon Boze Spring 2015

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Associate of Applied Science



  • Dr. Blas A. Canedo-Gonzalez
  • Chair of Commercial Music, Visual and Performing Arts
  • 山姆和琳达·门罗表演艺术中心大楼144号办公室
  • 409-984-6547

Academic Transfer Degree

学生可以攻读传播学学士学位,重点是广播,电影, or Film Studies.


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